May 26, 2020February 2, 2024Rehabilitation Exercise Physiology and Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in Australia. CVD is a broad term used to include heart, […]
November 20, 2019February 2, 2024Rehabilitation Ankle Sprains Ankle Sprains Ankle sprains are of the most common biomechanical injuries that we can sustain in our sporting lives. […]
January 3, 2019February 2, 2024Rehabilitation Maintain your Muscle Mass! Maintaining your Muscle Mass is absolutely imperative to maintaining health as we age. I have been explaining to my patients […]
August 19, 2018February 2, 2024Rehabilitation What does an Exercise Physiologist Do? An exercise physiologist delivers evidence-based clinical exercise prescription and lifestyle modification guidance. The practice of exercise physiology will help with […]