Dry Needling

At OsteopathyOne Essendon and Pascoe Vale, our practitioners are continually learning and expanding their knowledge, to ensure we provide the most effective care and treatment for our patients. All osteopaths, remedial massage therapists and myotherapists at OsteopathyOne have undergone training in the use of Myofascial Dry Needling.

Myofascial Dry Needling is the use of sterile, single use needles, inserted into the soft tissues of the body to assist with recovery and healing. It has several aims, including strengthening of tendons and ligaments, providing increase blood flow to an area, and the most common reason we use needling – deactivation of trigger points and overactive muscle points.

Like any treatment technique, dry needling forms just part of your overall treatment. We only select treatment techniques we believe will benefit you. If you’re interested in learning more about dry needling, be sure to ask your practitioner at your next appointment.

By: Dr Scott Toniazzo (Osteopath)